Tissue Expander To Implant Breast Reconstruction Case #2821

Bilateral tissue expander breast reconstruction / creation of nipple and areolar complexes. 41 yo 5′ 5″ had right breast cancer requiring a mastectomy as well as radiation to the right chest wall and axillae. She elected to have a bilateral mastectomy (prophylactic on her left) and same time insertion of tissue expander breast reconstruction – full muscle coverage. On second stage she underwent replacement with silicone gel high profile implants; right (radiated side) with a 500cc HP silicone gel impant and her left with a 400 cc HP silicone gel implant. We also created her nipple and areolar complexes at the same time as the implant replacement of the tissue expanders using inner thigh skin for the areolas as full thickness skin grafts. The darker right breast skin color and the oblique scar on the right breast is from the radiation treatment and initial biopsy of her right breast cancer. Otherwise the breasts feel soft, including her right, appear symmetrical and in proportion to her overall body shape and size at 36 “C” cup.
- Patient #: 2821
- Gender: Female
- Age: 41 - 50
- Procedure: Tissue Expander To Implant Breast Reconstruction