Breast Explant Case #4969

70 year old patient who had had breast augmentation greater than 30 years ago with progressive hardening and capsular contracture and pain. She underwent a total capsulectomy “en bloc capsulectomy” as her breast capsules were thickened with calcified white debris within the capsular shell itself. She had intracapsular rupture of both of her silicone 275cc implants. To address breast sagging, she also underwent a same time vertical incision only or a “lollipop” breast lift with moderate amount of fat grafting along her medial cleavage regions. Her chest feels soft and comfortable, and she is thrilled with the results especially due to return of sensation, both sensory and erogenous to her nipples that she did not remember having for decades.
- Patient #: 4969
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 66 - 70
- Procedure: Breast Explant