Tummy Tuck Case #1050

Mini tummy tuck and tightening of abdominal muscles. 48 yo 5′ 7″ 128Lbs with a previous appendectomy scar that had resulted in a tethered scar of the skin to the underlying muscle layer. She also had moderate amount of loose abdominal skin mild diastasis of her rectus muscles. She underwent a mini – abdominoplasty where the previous appendectomy scar was removed, the central rectus muscles tightened both above and below the belly button without having to complete the circular incision around the naval with the aide of a fibreoptic endoscope and a small opening at the inferior edge of the naval.
- Patient #: 1050
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 41 - 50
- Procedure: Tummy Tuck